
Your tax-deductible donation to Like A Friend Gives will fund a small business in Los Angeles.

For Securities (Stocks) and/or Cryptocurrencies donations, please email us:

  • Donations are tax-deductible in the United States. The Wren Climate Collective is a fiscally-sponsored 501(c)(3) non-profit. Wren has partnered with to provide tax-deductibility and administer tax receipts. is a US-based public charity, EIN #81-2446261. Therefore, all donations are tax-deductible in the United States. If you are donating from outside the US, you will still receive a tax receipt, but we cannot guarantee that you will receive a tax deduction.

  • For donations over $5,000 USD, we can help customize exactly where your donation goes. For smaller donations, the money will be distributed amongst a set portfolio of vetted small businesses.

  • We are partnering with GVNGorg, a U.S-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, to provide tax-deductibility for your donations and to handle tax receipts and other legal oversight. Wren is a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC), not a non-profit.